
  • ShiningBot is a Consumer Behaviour Analysis and Profiling solution for Shopping Malls, Retail Outlets, Healthcare and Hospitality verticals. ShiningBot uses data collected from WiFi users to generate various business intelligence reports that can help you to improve and maximize your business opportunity with potential consumers.

  • ShiningBot offers all the services available in other hotspot solutions; whereas ShiningBot extends various other services that are not available in other hotspot solutions. The power of ShiningBot lies in its Artificial and Machine Learning Engine, Omicorn. ShiningBot can help you maximizing the business opportunity using various Business Intelligence reports.

    For example, if a Saloon is equipped with ShiningBot solution, based on the visits and time spent by customer, Omicorn can automatically predict the customers' next haircut due and help them to fix appointment via SMS/WhatsApp; In a Retail Outlet, ShiningBot can learn the customer's interest in products and pro-activly help you in business development; In Restaurant, ShiningBot can welcome the guest, if they don't come back for a period of time; whereas most hotspot solutions can only provide authentication service.

  • Omicorn is an Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Engine. The learning algorithms of the Omicorn Engine continuously learn about the customers' behavior and preferences. The accuracy of the prediction is proportionate to amount of information learned by Omicorn. Larger the data, higher the accuracy of the predictions.

    For example, consider a Retail Outlet, as customer visit the store and spend time at various counters, Omicorn can learn about their interest in your products/service. As the store owner re-fills the stock, Omicorn can automatically find the list of customers who may interested in the product and send welcome message that requests them to visit store.

Security, Privacy & Log

  • ShiningBot validates the user by one-time password delivered through Transactional SMS. This is one of the government recommended mode of user validation. Collected information like Device Used for Internet Access, its MAC address, IP address assigned by ShiningBot System, Mobile number used for OTP delivery, IP address of the Sites visited by customer everything is logged in the secured ShiningBot Cloud Servers and retained for a period of 18 months are recommonded by government.

    ShiningBot has experienced Legal Team that specialises in Cybercrime. In case of any WiFi related issues, ShiningBot Legal Team can assist you in invstigation.

  • ShiningBot offers category based content filtering service. Our content filter service is a DNS based. It has over 55 categories and customizable Whitelist and Blacklist for refined control. Please talk to your local ShiningBot sales team to find right solution.

  • Registration Information provided by the WiFi users in self-registration form is accessible to the service providing organization. The way the collected information is used varies from organization to organization. Details of how it is used is addressed in the "Terms & Conditions of the service" page available in the registration form.

    The information collected regarding the sites visited by the users is not available to the service providing organization considering the privacy of the users. However, under special circumstanes like educational instituions, may have access to the URLs accessed by the WiFi Users. Generally, this sensitive information is only provided to the law enforcing authorities in an unwanted incidence. This requires direct request from the law enforcing authorities mentioning the time of incidence and IP address of the destination sites, in such case the information is shared with the law enforcing authorities as required by law.

  • It depends on the law requirements in the country where the ShiningBot is deployed. Most counties suggest a period of 6 months to 18 months. We retain the log records as per the government norms. Please check your country norms for the period information or discuss with our representative to understand the duration in your region.

  • WiFi users’ Internet access log is not accessible to anyone unless the law requires so. ShiningBot collects and logs the date & time of access, source IP address, source MAC address, source Port number, WAN IP address, destination IP address, destination Port Number and bytes of data transferred. Each customer's log is encrypted by unquie password generated by time based algorithm.

    Considering the privacy of the WiFi user, this log is not accessible to anyone. In case of an unwanted incident, law enforcing authorities may request for this information. This information will be directly provided to the law enforcing authorities on official written request. During this process the WiFi Providing organization will be notified about the incident.

  • Generally your local law enforcing authorities will contact you with technical information regarding the abuse. Be in touch with your local ShiningBot team and our team will coordinate with law enforcing authorities in solving the issue. ShiningBot will request an official written request from law enforcing authorities and provide the necessary information to them to solve the case. ShiningBot has a dedicated Cybercrime investigation and legal team to address these issues.

    ShiningBot team will update you the status of the case as it progresses. You will also be informed about the corrective measures / action taken to solve the issue.

ShiningBot service & subscription

  • The best way to know this is to try our no obligation test service. Our executive/channel partner will provide customized test service in your premises for few days. You and your local ShiningBot sales team can arrive the test period, generally most customers are able to find the suitability within a week.

    This test service does not require any kind of commitment from your side. On end of trial period, if you find our solution is not suitable for your requirement, feel free to submit the trial feedback form and request your local ShiningBot sales team to take back the services.

    On case to case basis, you may be charged for the out of packet expenses like SMS charge during the test service. Your local ShiningBot sales team can provide more information regarding this.

  • Depending on the subscription plan selected, your charges include Data Card charges, Content Filter Charges, ShiningBot platform subscription, log retention and SMS charges. Your monthly subscription includes log retention period recommended by your local government (up to 18 months). This data will be retained till the recommended period in our server even if you discontinue the service. ShiningBot team will also help the law enforcing authorities in solving the unwanted incidents during that period. SMS will be charges on actual quantity of SMS consumed by you.

    Due to security reasons, log retention is a mandatory service and cannot be excluded.

  • ShiningBot is available in Silver, Gold and Platinum options based on your requirement. Kindly visit Product Features page to understand the features and availability of features in Silver, Gold and Platinum options. You can also avail optional services like Content Filter, Digital Signage, etc. Subscriptions are provided in Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Yearly modes. All service charges are payable in advance mode, based on the plan selected by you.

Registrant Information & Profiling

  • Service providing organization own their customer information. We do not use or share your customer information with other organizations. Your customer database is stored in our server using an encryption key uniquely generated for each customer. You may download and use the database as you need. We request you to discuss with ShiningBot deployment team to publish the way the registration information is handled in the "Terms & Conditions of Service" page available in the registration form.

    Regarding how ShiningBot processes the data, information is available in the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service documents.

  • ShiningBot uses its own infrastructure to collect information by free WiFi service in public areas and/or other legitimate mechanisms to generate ShiningBot Promotional Data Source. This information is nowhere connected to the information collected by our customers. As part of business development, you may have access to this classified information in order to promote your business.

    ShiningBot is also maintains the Do not Disturb registry. Your promotional messages will not be sent to the list of customers registered in ShiningBot or Public Do not Disturb registry under your classification.

  • If you are a group company, you are free to share your registration information within your group. We recommend you to mention the same in the "Terms & Condition of Service" page in the registration form.

    Some organizations are interested in sharing their database with other organizations for mutual business development. In such case, ShiningBot sales team in your location can help you to identify organization interested in similar options. It is up to you and your partnering organization to define the rules & regulations.

    ShiningBot representative just helps you both to handshake; ShiningBot is not responsible for any use or misuse of the information by any party to other party. In case of such collaborative initiative, you both will be considered like group companies and level of information to be shared may be defined by both organizations.

  • ShiningBot's Omicron engine profiles and classifies your customer data in various categories. This profiling and classification algorithm is based on the proprietory codes developped by ShiningBot development team. The business logic is confidential and not available to public domain. Your WiFi users are broadly classified into Silver, Gold and Platinum based on their affordability levels predicted by our Omicron engine.

    This is only an information service and may not reflect the actual economic status of the customer. Profiling is done for the purpose of selecting the right product and/or service and it does not guarantee the correctness and fitness for particular purpose.