Striving to exceed your expectations.

The brain behind the ShiningBot solution lies in its Machine Learning Engine Omicron. Omicron learns the customers' interest and preferences. It is the foundation for ShiningBot Business Intelligence system and automated marketing engine.

Omicron engine automates various business development process, like invite the customer on stock re-fill or send discount coupon based on number of visits or Fix appointment for the next haircut due or send reminder messages regarding your diet plans, etc. based on your configurations.

Why ShiningBot

  • Fully Secured & Hassle-free Management
  • Full control over Bandwidth, Concurrency & Usage Time
  • Feedback, Guest Service & Advertisement over WiFi
  • Easy automation of Business Promotion Services
  • Advanced Business Intelligence Reporting
  • Web based Management with multi-level authorization
  • Compliance with Government Secuirty Norms

Product Features

WiFi Authentication

Authenticate all WiFi users with one time password using SMS / WhatsApp / Coupons.

Complete User Control

Control Concurrent Accesses, Upload/Download Bandwidth, Idle-time and Usage Time of WiFi users.

Monitoring & Alert

Monitor Internet and PMS Server connection and alert via WhatsApp in case of service interruption.

WiFi Log Management

Record complete usage log and retain for 18 months as per government norms.

Self Registration

Coupon / Key based Self Registration and collect important information about your customers.

Customer Profiling

Profile customers into Silver, Gold and Platinum based on their affordability levels.

Loyalty & Usage

Understand the frequency of visit, time spent on each visit, resources consumed, locations visisted, etc.

Guest Services

Collect feedback, send greetings & discount coupons Send promotional messages.

VIP Recognition

Recognize your VIP Customers across outlets and offer enhanced services.

LBS Service

Location Based Service. Initiate custoemr interraction based on entry or exit of a location.

Promotional Service

Initiate customer interraction based on number of visits, length of stay or No-show period.

Automated Marketing

Customer Beheavior Learning and actions based on learned information.

Business Intelligence

Uncover the hidden data in your customer information and their behavior.

Content Filter

Category based Filter service to avoid users from visiting potentially unwanted sites.

Digital Signage

Show interactive image based advertisements in Android TV & Centrally manage 1000s of TVs

Programing Interface

Import/Export data from/to other softwares like Hotel Management System or Loyalty programs.

Product License Options

Product Feature Silver Gold Platinum
Dual WAN with Link Failure & Notification
Authentication (MAC, Self-Registration, Operator Assisted & API)
Log retention up to 18 months as per norms
Assistance in Cybercrime Investigation
Login wise Bandwidth and Concurrency Control
In-Premises Feedback Management
Image / Video advertisements in Login, Logout & Status Pages
Promotional SMS / WhatsApp – One shot message to customers
KPI Reports
Feedback Anywhere – Off-Premises Short URL based feedback
VIP Recognition
Consumer Behaviour Analysis of Users
Profiling and Classifications of Users
Location based Services* (Preference/Interest Tracking, Messaging)
AI Based automated marketing
Content Filter Optional Optional Optional
Digital Signage License^ 0 0 1
* Conditions Apply - Subject to WiFi Access Points’ & Controllers’ Technical capabilities
^ Additional Licenses may be purchased as required

ShiningBot solution is offered based on the number of concurrent users. It is availalbe in 200, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000 and 10,000 concurrent users. Users can upgrade their devices and subscriptions as they grow. Excellent buy back options are also available for upgrades. Discuss with your System Integration Partner for product selection and upgrade.