Privacy Policy

This statement discloses the ShiningBot Data Analytics Private Limited privacy practices related to the site,, *, and other ShiningBot Data Analytics Private Limited web sites collectively ShiningBot website and portals and documents that refer to this Privacy Policy.

Collection of Your Personal Information
We collect and store personal information including, among other information, some or all of the following: name; email address, date of birth, other important dates associated to your personal life; and billing information, such as address, and phone number, email address, device related information like Make, Model, MAC address, etc. We also receive and may store certain types of information whenever you interact with us. For example, like many Web sites, we use "cookies" and we obtain certain types of information when your Web browser accesses ShiningBot websites and portals or any of the websites of ShiningBot Data Analytics Private Limited. More information on our use of "cookies" can be found below.
In order to tailor our subsequent communications to you and continuously improve our products and services (including registration), we may also ask you to provide us with information regarding your personal or professional interests, experience with our products, and more detailed contact preferences. Customers and visitors always have the option of choosing not to provide us with this information.
We may also employ certain applications, such as the various components of Security Centre, to retrieve information about your computer system or similar devices like mobile, tablet etc. to assist us in the provision of services that you have chosen to subscribe to or use. This information is essential to enable us to provide you with quality service, and for that reason there is no opt-out available for this information collection.

Use of Your Personal Information
ShiningBot Data Analytics Private Limited uses your information to better understand your needs and provide you with better service. Specifically, we use your information to help you complete a transaction, including fulfilment of orders and promotional offers, to communicate back to you, for marketing programs, to update you on service and benefits, to personalize our Web sites for you, and to manage and renew your subscription(s) and security logs.
If you provide us with your email address when you register as a customer or make a purchase from us, we may occasionally send you email with recommendations or notices of new products, prices, and services. This email may include paid advertisements from third parties. At the time you register or make a purchase, you will be given the opportunity to opt into or out of this service. If you do not initially choose to opt out, you may still block future email of this type, simply by following the unsubscribe instructions that accompany all such communications.
Separately, we send service notifications via email to keep you informed about the status of your service orders or accounts and to provide updates and technical notices. These messages are essential to the maintenance of your subscription and the functionality of our services. Therefore, there is no opt-out available for service notifications and these messages cannot be blocked.
We follow industry standard practices for email marketing and customer contact, and we urge our business partners to do so as well.

Sharing of Your Personal Information
Except as provided in the Privacy Policy, ShiningBot Data Analytics Private Limited will not sell, rent, or lease your personally information to others for commercial gain. We reserve the right to engage other companies or individuals to provide limited services on our behalf that may involve sharing your information, such as the activities discussed elsewhere in this Privacy Policy, handling the processing and delivery of mailings, providing customer support, hosting websites, processing transactions, or performing statistical analysis. In addition, we may access or disclose information about you, including the content of your communications, in order to: (a) comply with the law or respond to lawful requests or legal processes; (b) protect the rights or property of ShiningBot Data Analytics Private Limited or our partners or customers, including the enforcement of our agreements or policies; or (c) act on a good faith belief that such access or disclosure may be necessary to protect the personal safety of individuals such as ShiningBot Data Analytics Private Limited employees, partners, customers or the public.
We may also disclose, sell or assign personal information in connection with a corporate transaction, such as a merger, acquisition, sale of assets or restructuring.

Our site contains links to other Web sites. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are 'clicking' to another Web site. As ShiningBot Data Analytics Private Limited does not accept liability for misuse of any information by any Web site controller to which we may link, we encourage you to read the privacy statements of these linked sites, as their privacy policies may differ from ours.

Use of Cookies and Log Files
ShiningBot Data Analytics Private Limited uses software tags called "cookies" to identify customers when they visit our site. Cookies are used to remember user preferences and maximize performance of our services. Additionally, cookies help us to identify returning users so that we don't ask them to enter their email and password with every visit. Except as stated in this Privacy Policy, the information we collect with cookies is not sold, rented, or shared with any outside parties. We also ask that you fill in your first name and last name in a box so that our customer support services can identify and assist you in case of login problems. We cannot provide subscription services to users who do not give their consent to the data processing carried out through cookies or whose browsers are set to reject all cookies.
ShiningBot Data Analytics Private Limited maintains log files of the traffic that visits our site or users of the product who access internet service using gateway. We do not link any information gathered in these log files to personally identifying information. Log files are used to manage traffic loads and information technology requirements for providing reliable service. Information collected includes IP addresses and browser types. We may share the log with others in order to comply with the law or respond to lawful requests or legal processes.

Security of Your Personal Information
ShiningBot Data Analytics Private Limited is committed to use reasonable measures to protect the security of your personal information, and we use a variety of measures to help protect such information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.
For example, we may store personal information you provide on computer systems with limited access, located in facilities with limited access. If a password is used to help protect your personal information, it is your responsibility to keep the password confidential. Do not share this information with anyone.

Notification of Changes
If we make a change to our privacy policy, we will post the changes on our site. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy to stay informed as to ShiningBot Data Analytics Private Limited’s policies around privacy.